Basic Information.
Age 27 (ARR) - 134 (6.1)
Pronouns she/her
Race Hyur (Highlander)
Height 6'
Sexuality Lesbian
Other Information.
Main PNK
Roles DPS, Healer
Other MNR
Worship Hydaelyn
Birthday 3/8
Dear Antecedent, you really are Hydaelyn's favorite.
Minfilia is an outwardly caring and wise woman, but hides a more bitter interior. Self-assured and confident in her abilities as a leader, she's determined to achieve her goal of peace in Eorzea. While she's charismatic and well-spoken, she has a strange sense of humor and a peculiar fascination with preternatural phenomena. She seeks someone who can help her achieve her lofty goals, and is willing to do most anything for them.
The story of the Oracle of Light is well known to those it concerns, but what shocked everyone was Minfilia's return to the source— living and breathing. Pulled from the Aetherial Sea by the Warrior of Light, Minfilia now has 100 years of training under her belt and will be joining the fight for the star. Thankful for this second chance, Minfilia will live out her life as an active participant in adventure and battle.
Post 5.3 Welcome Home, my Light.

Soon after the Scions return to the Source, Krile receives an ominous message from Hydaelyn, stating that Minfilia awaits them. With Her guidance, Krile leads the Scions to the Antitower in Dravania, where it is possible to glimpse into the aetherial sea. There, A’vaya feels Minfilia’s presence, so close and tangible that it feels as if she can…
Pull her out of thin air.
All of her returned nearly the exact same as when she left, with the exception of her hollow irises, Minfilia is truly alive. Her return raises many questions, and none easily answered. Why has Hydaelyn given her back? Is Minfilia going to play a large part in the prevention of the Final Days? How was this possible? Minfilia is desperate for answers.

The Pink Mage.
The quandary of how Minfilia may participate in the coming fight for the star is one answered near immediately, when she reveals that she's retained her memory as her time as each Oracle of Light. Each Oracle trained differently, choosing whichever arms suited them best, so Minfilia has a wide range of experience to choose from. Though she'll need to train her true body to be suited for combat, she's got a head start.
Minfilia's weapon of choice is that of the Red Mage, combined with white magic and a helpful Moonstone Carbuncle. While not as spectacular in her movement, Minfilia is quick on her feet and can fulfill the roles of either healer or fighter. She calls this discipline a "Pink Mage."
Minfilia, Minfilia, Minfilia, Ascilia.
Upon her return, it's not uncommon for Minfilia to have nightmares. Often about the future, what may come to pass— though some nights, she dreams of young girls. Young girls, all blonde with hollow blue eyes, all named Minfilia. She's haunted by them, and how couldn't she be? Practically an Ascian, she possessed each one and lead them to their deaths at the hands of the Sin Eaters. The grief she feels in incomparable, though self-centered. Why was she allowed to return, and not them? Why did they have to bear her name, and not their own? At some point, the name stopped feeling like her own— but it would be selfish to forsake it, as the Oracles could not. Yet at the world's end, can a woman not think of herself? Perhaps just to some, those closest to her, she can be Ascilia.

ENW Answer Together.
Coming soon.

A'vaya Fhey My stalwart hero.
"Love" would not be an accurate word to describe how Minfilia felt about A'vaya when they first met (in fact, "love" would be an antonym), but it eventually became that. Originally thought to be one-sided, Minfilia harbored romantic feelings for the warrior even after becoming the Oracle. The fate of the star would always come before her own personal desires, but when it came to A'vaya, Minfilia had a stronger urge to cast off the responsibility. It's after they reunite that their relationship blossomed, still nurturing the feelings they had for each other before everything became so dire.

Thancred Waters "Older" brother.
Separated for 100 years on Minfilia's end and what felt like an eternity for Thancred, the two have grown in their time apart. Thancred is proud of the woman Minfilia has become, though occasionally underestimates her, remembering when she was just a child. The lingering remorse from their time in the first is sorted after Minfilia's return, Minfilia glad to know how Thancred cared for Ryne. When fighting together, Minfilia will charge cartridges for Thancred's gunblade— as thanks for this, Thancred lays off on making fun of his sister for her feelings for A'vaya... only slightly.

Ryne You've done well, child.
The latest Oracle, and the one Minfilia refused to control. Minfilia wished she could have been there for Ryne, more present, to show the girl her way— though she proved herself capable many times. Minfilia's relationship with Ryne is interesting, because it's nearly nonexistent. Other than their encounter at Nabaath Araeng, Ryne has never spoken to Minfilia. This is something Minfilia hopes to remedy, putting faith in Y'shtola's research in traveling to other shards. Ryne has expressed great excitement in the possibility of being able to meet Minfilia properly.

G'raha Tia Well, aren't you familiar.
Actually crossing paths a few times in the first as the Oracle and Exarch, Minfilia and G'raha knew each other vaguely for quite some time, until meeting formally as Scions. With an uncanny amount of similarities between them, they can find common ground in a way that no one else can. After overcoming an awkward period (of course, how are you meant to face someone with such an expansive and similar history to yours?) in their initial meeting, the two become good friends. They happily listen to each other's ramblings on their fields of expertise, hungry for knowledge and understanding.
Minvaya A tragic love story with a hopeful ending.

Two pillars leaning on each other at world's end. Minfilia and A'vaya are each other's strength in the hardest of times, always able to rely on each other. It's difficult to summarize their relationship and dynamic, fraught with complicated situations and feelings— such is life when you're the savior of worlds. A scorching and harsh sun, accompanied by the moon who reflects her light, softer, more forgiving. Never seen at the same time, but they share the same sky.
With how grandiose and dire their relationship seems, you'd expect their first meeting to be monumental! Star-crossed lovers finally finding each other, two halves brought together, other dramatic comparisons— they could not be further from the truth. A'vaya did not make a very good first impression on Minfilia and the rest of the Scions, instantly demanding to know her pay and insulting the Antecedent. Needless to say, nobody really liked A'vaya at first. Minfilia put great effort into getting along with the warrior, but even she has her limits....
After several disagreements and a very heated argument between them just before Minfilia was abducted by the Garleans, A'vaya finds that she's squandering her only chance at community and turning away the single person who is willing to accept her. A'vaya promising to be more agreeable at least until they banish the Garlean threat to Eorzea, the two's relationship gets considerably better. Once they've established a mutual respect by seeing the reasoning and methods behind each other's thinking, they become close comrades, then friends. Spending a lot of time together (mostly because the other Scions are still a bit uncertain about A'vaya) is beneficial for both of them, learning and experiencing new things.
Minfilia is first to develop romantic feelings, at least consciously. She finds that A'vaya has been key to fulfilling her dream of peace, and beyond that, someone who understands her deeply. She hides these feelings, certain A'vaya would not reciprocate along with believing her desire for intimacy was inappropriate. Unbeknownst to her and also A'vaya, the warrior is also in love. She's never been in a relationship, let alone in love, so it's all very new and unclear to her. For Minfilia to tear down the walls she put up out of false necessity and reach out to her, nobody has done that for her. They need each other, as well— A'vaya needs someone to guide her blade, her heart, and Minfilia needs someone she can rely on when all else fails.
They dance around each other for a long time, a few times becoming apparent that they cared for each other like none other, the best example being that of the Chrysalis. A'vaya can't stand to watch Minfilia get hurt, and Minfilia grows weary of seeing A'vaya pushed to the brink time and time again. At the Bloody Banquet, Minfilia practically lays her heart bare for A'vaya just before her departure. A'vaya tries her hardest to convince her to stay, even tries to pull her along, but is ultimately unsuccessful. Just before she leaves, Minfilia promises she'll return soon enough, completely unaware of her fate. As she goes, A'vaya can only watch. She doesn't continue moving until Minfilia is long gone.
In the time that they're apart, the two change significantly. A'vaya: more callous and cold, constantly angry and hostile. Minfilia: nearly a ghost, spending 100 years and several lives dedicated to a losing battle. The few chance encounters they have are tense, few words being shared between them. A'vaya can hardly stand to think of her lost first love, especially after she realized her feelings far too late. With time, she eventually comes to accept Minfilia's choice to save the first and sacrifice herself, though it will always sting.
What the two don't expect is to be reunited, but it seems Hydaelyn has an interesting way of doing things. Returning Minfilia to the Source after her long service as the Oracle, the two are together once more. Surprisingly, they're actually very awkward around each other. For a while. Unsure of what to say, how to express all that they feel, it's all so complicated. They do eventually reconcile and even share their feelings for each other, moving forward with an official relationship. It's then that they must depart to fight for the fate of the star.
But they have each other.

hi its me again. jupi. y'know the A'vaya haver
"why did you make this carrd" well you see I LOVE Minfilia but my characterization of her is a little different + I have my own canon divergent au that I consider canon. So I just thought it would be helpful to have this :)
if you don't like that I'm having fun with this or you actively hate on Minfilia just umm block me! I don't care I'm having a great time